A Beach Walk

Body of Water Near Brown Soil Under Blue Sky during Sunset

A Beach Walk

Joy is the liberation of kicking away the rubber soles of your flip-flops and plunging your feet into the sun-warmed sand. Each grain enveloping your worn feet with a soft caress.

It's to implore the curious gazes of the soaring seagulls who rule the skies. These skies veil the blue expanse which pervades your vision, becoming the beginning and end of your thoughts. The rest of the world melts away beneath the heat of the molten sun. Nothing else exists in this perfect moment but the you, the sea and the sun, whose rays delicately dance across the stage of waves, orchestrating a ballet of light.
The tutus of foam crest the waves, driving them towards your feet, like a herd of cloud-formed stallions. They trot around your ankles and the hardships of the day sizzle away with the light, bonfire-like crackle of the foam.

You feel instantly refreshed...
The water carries away your burdens and buries them as a shipwreck beneath its cloak, far from your reach. Now that you feel as light as the fluffy, cotton-white clouds in the sky above, you become one with the water. A single body.
Your breath harnesses the waves, taming the horses of light and the swirling palette of teal, aquamarine and azure.

Inhaling draws in the tide...

Exhaling allows it to flow away...

In... Out...
In... Out...

The cacophony of the tide submerges your ear with its melody and its tangy, salty scent fills your nostrils, reminding you that the beach is always open.
