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Noses: Body Positivity
Noses: Body Positivity:
If I had a pound for every time I heard someone say, "I don't like my nose", I'd be rich.
For some incomprehensible reason, we all seem to target and batter our noses and I can't understand why.
I love the way your nose can alter the entirety of your face. The way it widens when you smile. The way it wrinkles when you laugh. The way your nostrils flare when you let out a contented sigh.
I love the way everyone's nose is different.
Some are smaller. Some are bigger. Some are freckled. Some are sloped. Some have ridges. Some have points.
But they're all beautiful.
It's with your nose you smell the scent of the freshly-made goods, rising in the oven, soon to fill your gaping hunger with their delectable tastes.
The zingy fragrance of citrus cakes. The invigorating aroma of coffee-infused bakes.
The sweet, floury scents submerge the room, tainting the walls and fabrics, making your stomach rumble in glee as the timer finally pings.
It's with your nose you smell the dampened earth after a short, summer's shower pierces the continual heat. It lets you know that new life is ready to be formed - the roots twisting and turning, anchoring themselves to the now-nourished soil in preparation of young shoots.
It awakens your body, finally cooled after the stifling heat.
It's with your nose you smell the first wafts of spring being carried in the slow, cruising wind.
It's a perfume concocted from a mix of newly-budded flowers and the melting parameters of Winter's hold on the world.
This is the fragrance that bridges the seasons, shatters the frosty air to let the fields be invaded by a crusade of blooms.
It's your nose that permits you to relish the unparalleled savour that awakens your taste buds and heightens your senses upon eating your favourite foods.
It allows you to experience the awakening tang of spice, the sugary heaven of sweet treats, the natural spectrum of flavour that hides beneath the skins and peels of fruit.
It's your nose that lets you smile when you trying something new and you instantly fall in live with its taste.
It's with your nose you smell the scent of your loved ones.
The mellow undertones of your mother's signature perfume, it's sweet highs and luscious lows.
The electrically, powerful tang of your dad's newly-applied after-shave.
The sweet, flowery smell of your grandma as she envelopes you in a warm, safe hug.
The old-bookish scent of your grandfather as he emerges from his armchair, for a high five.
It's with your nose that you're able to truly live and experience the wonders, hidden beneath the veil of life.
It's your nose that envelops your favourite days into one distinguishable scent, that is sure to find its way back to you in years to come.
It's your nose that makes you and every situation you enter stand out and a become a bit more magical.
That's why it's so beautiful.
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