The Story of the Sky
The Story of the Sky At the end of a long, hard day you know you are graced with the ability to view the blue satin that veils our world. With a single tilt of the head, your eyes can explore the night’s sky. Venture through its darkness, towards the pinpricks of light that are scattered across it. Like glitter glue smeared across a dark canvas. Your eyes gloss over the sky, skimming through the constellations that stud it. Aquila. Auriga. Carina. Each one proclaiming tales of strength, hope and adventure. Stories that are age-old and eternally weaved into the fabrics of our universe. In this sense, the sky is a novel, with short stories interwoven between its sapphire covers. Anyone can read this book if they so choose, with a simple alteration to their posture. It’s full of words you’ve read thousands of times yet seem different and more magical each time you bend the spine... You’ve read the story of the moon and its rocky craters. How it orbits the...